Thursday, January 16, 2025

Inauguration of Gov. Angus Wilton McLean, Jan.14, 1925

Governor Angus Wilton McLean. . . Crowds in Raleigh Greet Gov. McLean. . . Robesonians and Scotch Have Big Day. . . Appeals for Economy in the Inaugural Address

Raleigh, Jan. 14—Angus Wilton McLean of Lumberton became governor of North Carolina for a term of four years today. He succeeded Cameron Morrison of Charlotte.

The new chief executive was to take oaty of office shortly after noon at the city auditorium. He arrived on a special train from his home at Lumberton this morning and was escorted to the executive mansion by the national guard company of Lumberton. Arriving there he was met by Governor Cameron Morrison and other state officials, who escorted him to the auditorium where the official proceedings which were to make him governor took place.

Raleigh was crowded with thousands of citizens from all sections of the state for the inauguration festivities. From Robeson county alone, home of the coming chief executive, there came more than 300 citizens.

Education, agricultural development and rural betterment, economy, in government and taxation, were the outstanding topics discussed by Governor McLean in his inaugural address today. Definite recommendations to the general assembly were reserved for future messages.

Throughout his address, Governor McLean stressed economy in government. He bought this principle into play in dealing with every subject touched upon.

Following are the men who became state officers for the next four years:

Governor—Angus W. McLean of Lumberton.

Lieutenant-governor—J. Elmer Long of Durham.

Secretary of State—W.N. Everett of Rockingham.

Auditor—Baxter Durham of Raleigh.

Treasurer—Benjamin R. Lacy of Raleigh.

Superintendent of Public Instruction—A.T. Allen of Raleigh.

Attorney-general—Dennis G. Brummitt of Oxford.

Corporation Commissioner—George P. Pell of Winston-Salem.

Commissioner of Agriculture—W.A. Graham of Lincolnton.

Commissioner of Labor and Printing—Frank D. Grist of Lenoir.

Insurance Commissioner—Stecey [Stacey?] W. Wade of Morehead City.

Commissioner of Revenue—R.A. Doughton of Sparta.

Supreme Court Justices—William A. Hoke of Lincolnton, chief justice; Heriot Clarkson of Charlotte, and George W. Connor of Wilson associate justices.

From the front page of The Cleveland Star, Shelby, N.C., Jan. 16, 1925. To see a photo of Governor McLean, go to:

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