Saturday, January 11, 2025

Kannapolis News in the Concord Tribune, Jan. 12, 1925

Kannapolis Department

Kannapolis, Jan. 12—Miss Edna Brown was hostess to a lovely party at her home in the country on Wednesday night from 8 til 11. The guests were entertained by games and music rendered with two ukeleles, the piano, and a banjo. Delicious refreshments were conserved consisting of fruits.

Those enjoying Miss Brown’s hospitality were: Misses Mildred Rogers, Margaret Antley, Alice McKinley, Evelyn rumple, Eula, Johnsie McKinley, Mable Rumple, Mary Ridenhour, Rena Goodnight, Mable Sims, Lillian McKinley, Claude Goodnight, Ray Simpson, Dudley Sims, Pendar Davis, Hyette Sims, Ernest Brown, William Sims, Ernest Brown, William Sims, Jim Freeze and Crawford Sims.

The many friends of Miss Carrie Watson will be glad to know that she is getting along nicely after having undergone an operation at the Charlotte Sanatorium last week.

Lawrence E. Halstead of South Main street left last week for Miami, Fla., where he will spend the rest of the winter.

Mrs. Wilmett spent Friday and Saturday with her sister, Miss Watson, who is in the Charlotte Sanatorium.

Mrs. J.E. Halstead will entertain the Social Hour Club at her home on South Main street on Wednesday afternoon.

Miss Ruby Nance was in Charlotte Tuesday and Wednesday visiting her cousin, Mrs. E.K. Faucett.

Miss Gladys Wagoner, George and Ralph Craix motored to Salisbury Sunday afternoon to visit Miss Ida Thorn, who is taking nurses’ training in the Salisbury Hospital.

Miss Ida Reeder, who is a student at the Southern Industrial Institute in Charlotte, is very ill.

Ralph Deaton has returned from Eagle, S.C., and has resumed his work at the City Barber Shop.

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Brown have returned home from a tour of Florida.

Ed LaFollette of Mooresville has accepted work as a barber in the City Barber Shop.

Mrs. Ira Montgomery spent Friday in Charlotte.

Miss Helen Brown of Durham, formerly of this city, was married to Mack McClelland of Concord on December 19,1924. The marriage was kept a secret until January 8th, 1925.

J.T. Nance Jr., a former student of N.C. State College, has accepted a position as overseer of number five carding and spinning rooms for the Cannon Mfg. Co.

Clyde Lippard, formerly of this city, has been confined to his bed at Maryville College, Maryville, Tenn., on account of tonsilitis.

Misses Annie Mae and Fidelia Mills of near Mt. Pleasant are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Driver.

Miss Ruth Swaringen of Concord was the guest of MIss Lillian Mills on Wednesday.

Misses Ralesteen and Ruby Rockett of Thomasville were guests of Miss Mildred Parker Sunday.

Miss Blanche Funderburk has been added to the office force of the Cannon Mfg. Co.

Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Lorbacher and family and Mrs. Leila Lorbacher of Salisbury were the guests Sunday of relatives, Mr. and Mrs. H.D. McCorkle, on East avenue.

Friends of Rev. C.K. Turner will be delighted to know that he is improving and is able to be up again.

A close and exciting game of basketball was witnessed by many Concord and Kannapolis people at Concord Friday night between the Concord high school and the Kannapolis high school. The score was almost a tie, being 41-40 in favor of Concord.

Friends of Miss Ruth Humbert, one of the high school teachers, sympathize wither because of the death of her father, who passed away Saturday afternoon at his home about 30 miles below Monroe.

The many friends of Miss Annie Barbee will be glad to know that she is improving. Miss Barbee has been confined to her bed at her home on Poplar street for two months because of severe illness.

Mr. and Mrs. Ike Lefler were the guests of relatives in Salisbury on Saturday night.

Mrs. Laura Ramsey, a former well-known and highly respected citizen of Kannapolis, died at her home in Gastonia on Monday, January 5th, and the body was brought to Kannapolis for burial in the cemetery here on Tuesday, January 6th.

Miss Harriett Orr underwent an operation for the removal of her tonsils in Charlotte Thursday afternoon. She is slowly improving.

From page 4 of The Concord Daily Tribune, Monday, January 12, 1925

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