Bostic, Jan. 5—A delightful party was given last Monday by Mrs. E.E. Smart in honor of the young people who were home from school. About 30 of the young people were present. Games and contests were played during the evening, and Misses Mary and Annie Poe and Eunice Hollifield played several piano solos. Refreshments were served.
Miss Lina Harrill and brothers, Claude and Charles of Monroe, returned home Thursday after spending several days with their grandmother, Mrs. Mattie Harrill. Their aunt, Miss Lottie Harrill, accompanied them.
Those leaving for school Monday were: Misses Louise Lattimore, to Fassifern; Mattie Mae Wells, to Asheville; Julia Grayson, Boiling Springs; Messrs. Maurice Smart to Chapel Hill, Robert Likens to Emory and Henry College, Moody Bridges, Lemuel Reece and Reid Harrill to Boiling Springs.
Miss Esther Smith of Morganton spent the week-end here with friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Baxter gave a watch-party Wednesday night. Rook was played at three tables by some of the guests while others were enjoying a radio program. Grape juice and wafers were served to the guests on arrival. At the close of the evening delicious refreshments consisting of hot chocolate, wafers and nuts were served.
Mr. Stennick Walker of Chase City, Va., is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stennick Walker.
Miss Jessie Bridges and brother, Broadus, who have been spending their holidays here returned to their respective schools at Gastonia and Wake Forest.
Miss Lola Harrill of Asheville is spending some time at home on account of the illness of her mother, Mrs. John Harrill.
Miss Evelyn Howell of Shelby spent several days with her grandmother, Mrs. Rose Howell.
Those entertaining for the younger set last week were: Mrs. G.B. Harrill Tuesday night, Miss Brent McKeithan and Mrs. Buron Harrill, Wednesday night.
Mrs. John Bailey’s mother, Mrs. Latham, died last Thursday night. She was buried at Oak Grove Friday afternoon.
Mrs. Sennick Walker has returned after spending several days at Lumberton.
Mrs. E.L. Smith spent last week in Forest City with relatives.
Mrs. A.E. Bridges spent several days last week in Erwin, Tenn.
Mr. William Lattimore will leave for Hendersonville where he enters school.
Miss Margaret Harrill entertained a number of her friends to a party given at her home last Saturday evening. Several interesting games were played during the evening. Two contests were played in which Misses Mattie Harris and Mae Smith, Miss Eunice Hollifield and Boyce Blair won. Everyone enjoyed a delightful evening.
Miss Eunice Hollifield was a delightful hostess to a party given at her home last Thursday night. Two contests were played during the evening. One “The Shakespearian Roman” was won by Mr. Robrt Likens and Miss Esther Smith. The other contest was won by Miss Eunice Hollifield and Mr. Boyce Blair, who were lucky in guessing the most names of automobiles in three minutes. Refreshments were served during the evening. Those who enjoyed Miss Hollifield’s hospitality were: Misses Mattie and Glenn Harris, Mae Smith, Margaret Harrill, Sarah Flack, Esther Smith, Mrs. Willie Gurley; Messrs. Robert Likens, Boyce Blair, Minor Thomas, Burless Blair, Guy Michael, Mills Flack, Willie Gurley, and Raymond Voight
Mr. Boyce Blair returned to his school at Boone Sunday after spending the Christmas holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. G.C. Blair.
Misses Mary Davis and Myrtle Harrill entertained a number of their Bostic friends at the home of Mrs. Bryant Harrill last Tuesday night. A large crowd was present and everyone enjoyed the evening.
From the front page of the Forest City Courier, Thursday, Jan. 8, 1925. In different items in this article Mr. Walker’s first name is spelled “Stennick” and “Sennick.”
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