Sunday, January 19, 2025

Personal Notes From the Concord Tribune, Jan. 19, 1925


Miss Ila Thompson has returned to Salisbury after visiting Mr. and Mrs. Alex Howard on North Union street and is now with Mr. and Mrs. T. Walter Grimes Jr. on West Council street, Salisbury.

Mr. D.E. Tucker spent the week-end vising her friend, Mrs. J.F. Furlong of 500 Oakland Avenue, Charlotte.

Rev. T.N. Lawrence of Pischalaway, Md., will arrive in the city Wednesday morning to spend the week with Mr. and Mrs. W.H. Gibson. Mr. Lawrence was former rector of the Episcopal Church of this city.

Mrs. E.F. Shepherd has returned from Gaffney, S.C., where she spent a week with Mrs. H.D. Carr.

Miss Jessie Deaton and Mrs. W.C.J. Caton have returned from Statesville, where they attended the funeral of Miss Deaton’s aunt, Mrs. Martha Deaton.

Carl Ridenhour, Charles Wingate, Vance and Lloyd Cress have returned from a week’s stay in Folirad.

Homer Ridenhour of High Point spent the week-end with relatives here.

Miss Mabel Lippard of Salisbury spent the week-end with home folks.

Mr. and Mrs. J.M. Kirby of Columbia, S.C., were the week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. A.G. Smith on North Church Street.

Ed. L. Murr, who has been visiting the home of David Murr, has returned to his home in Richmond, Va.

Miss Ruth Pethel spent the week-end in Spencer with home folks.

Miss Annie Strider left Sunday for her home in Woodleaf. She was called home on account of the illness of her mother.

Misses Roberta Pratt and Lillian Cole spent the week-end in Monroe with relatives and friends.

Miss Zana Stroupe spent the week-end in Charlotte.

From page 3 of the Concord Tribune, Monday, January 19, 1925

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