Thursday, April 28, 2022

Rains, High Water Didn't Stop W.A. Andrews, Lizzie Stout From Wedding, April 28, 1922

Were After a License. . . Rains and High Water Did Not Stop This Couple

Sometimes when a man wants to get married, it is a very little trouble for him to get his girl and hie away to a preacher or a magistrate and soon have the thing over.

Not so with a couple who went to Pittsboro one day last week, seeking to be relieved of single blessedness. W.A. Andrews and Miss Lizzie Violet Stout, a pretty girl from the Snow Camp community, started to the County Seat to get a license and be married. All went well until they reached Roberson creek, about four miles west of Pittsboro, when their troubles began.

It had rained pretty hard all day and by midday the stream was swollen and nearly out of its banks.

In attempting to cross the creek, their car got stalled in the middle of it and there they were and there they stayed about four hours until help came and pulled them out.

The entire bridal party were entirely wet and muddy, but they finally found the register of deeds office, procured a license and the knot was soon died by Squire John R. Blair, in Pittsboro, after which they returned to their home, returning by the way of Goldston and Siler City, a little tired and worried, but very happy.

From the front page of The News Record, Pittsboro, N.C., Friday, April 28, 1922

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