Wednesday, June 8, 2022

183 to 6 In Favor of Building New School, June 8, 1922

The School Bonds Carry. . . 183 Votes Cast in Favor of the Proposition and Only 8 Against the Bonds

At the election held Tuesday to vote on a proposition to issue $60,000 in bonds for the purchase of a site and erection of a new school building, the vote was 183 in favor of issuing the bonds and 8 against the proposition. This result shows beyond a doubt that the people of Tryon believe in education and progress. The building to be erected will have 11 class rooms, large auditorium, superintendent’s office, cloak rooms, toilets, heating plant, and will be up-to-date in every way; in fact, the latest and most approved type of school building will be ours.

The contract for the erection of the building will be let soon, and it is hoped to be able to occupy the new building this fall.

Now watch Tryon grow! With our new streets and sidewalks, the State highway and up-to-date school, Tryon will be the best residential town in this part of the country.

From the front page of the Polk County News, Tryon, N.C., June 8, 1922

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