Wednesday, June 8, 2022

News Briefs From Tryon, Saluda, Columbus, June 8, 1922

Local Happenings

Chief Wilson and a good force of laborers are busily engaged in laying new and larger water mains, getting ready for the construction of our system of hard surface streets and walks, grading for which is being done in various parts of town.

Miss Padgett, a County Home Demonstration Agent, who has been on a prospecting tour thru Polk County for three weeks, went to Raleigh for a two weeks’ stay. It is to be hoped she may return to the county for regular work. The matter will be decided within a short time.

Children’s Day will be appropriately observed at the Congregational Church on Sunday morning. At 10 o’clock an interesting program, The Lord’s Prayer Interpreted, will take place of the regular Sunday School. At the time of the regular morning worship the minister will give an address to the boys and girls who are requested to occupy reserved seats. W.A. Black, Pastor.

J.L. Black was in Spartanburg Thursday.

Mrs. Clarence Bush was in Spartanburg Thursday.

Miss Loraine Stone spent Wednesday in Spanburg.

C. Bush transacted business in Henderson Saturday.

W.B. McSwain of Greens Creek was in Tryon Monday.

The Misses Nash were shopping in Spartanburg Thursday.

Mrs. Georgiana LeCount was a Spartanburg visitor Thursday.

W.B. Stone left Friday for Chicago for a visit of a couple of weeks.

DuPre Watson of Mississippi was a recent visitor to his mother here.

R.M. Early transacted business in Asheville Friday and Saturday.

Mrs. Jas. Jackson left Saturday for Wofford, S.C., to visit her sister.

Miss Amelia Watson left Wednesday for Connecticut to spend the summer at her former home.

Mrs. Florence Averill was called to Asheville Wednesday on account of the illness of her niece.

Mrs. Sallie Watson, Mrs. Milliken and children, Bobbie and Sarah, were in Spartanburg Saturday.

Mrs. E.B. Cawthray was in Asheville Friday and Saturday visiting her sister who is in a hospital there.

A series of meetings is in progress at the Methodist church, conducted by the pastor, the Rev. Mr. Fike.

The Southern Railway this week completed a switch for unloading purposes for the contractors of our streets and highway.

R.M. McCown and wife left Tuesday by automobile for their former home in Florence, S.C., to be gone for about 10 days visiting relatives.

Material is being placed on the ground for the erection of an addition to the Mountain Industries. When completed it will increase the size of the building nearly 100 per cent.

Frank C. Cain and wife arrived Saturday from St. Matthew, S.C., are occupying their Tryon home for the summer. They were accompanied by his brother and family.



Saluda is a health giving place. Several babies have arrived at the infants and children’s sanitorium for treatment. The Spartanburg Baby Hospital is also opening this week. Miss Lillie Pack is head nurse.

The Saluda Presbyterian Church opened its doors for the summer on last Sunday. Mr. Wilkinson, a student at the Theological Seminary in Columbia, S.C., is pastor.

Miss Louise Pace attended commencement at Piedmont College this week.

Howard Locke spent the week end with his parents here.

Mary Salley is visiting relatives in Orangeburg, S.C.

Rev. H.K.L. Pendleton and family visited the Spartanburg Baby Hospital last Monday.

Louise Dunn of Tryon is visiting Dorothy Corwith.

R.M. Hall and wife and Miss Lessie Mae Pace, Preston Bailey and John T. Coates attended the Shriners meeting in Charleston, S.C., this week.

Mrs. Bernard Manning and children of Spartanburg are at the Homer Cottage.

Miss Bessie Sonner has returned from a week’s visit with friends in Hendersonville.

Miss Marvin Patterson, who taught in Florida last winter, has returned home.

Miss Bettie Henderson of Hendersonville is spending a week in Saluda.

One of the most charming event of the season was the afternoon tea given by Mrs. Henry P. Corwith at her lovely home at Overbrook Orchard on last Wednesday afternoon from four till six. Mrs. Corwith and her sister were on the alert for the comfort and entertainment of the guests.

The best known artist had been employed to do the decorating and the effect produced by Madame Nature was very pleasing and restful. The numerous guests were seated at will among the flowers and shrubs on the lawn in front of the Corwith home where they enjoyed meeting and talking together. During the evening Dorothy Corwith, assisted by a bevy of her young friends, served delightful refreshments.



Children’s day will be observed Sunday June 11th at the Baptist church by the children of the Baptist and Presbyterian Sunday schools. At 10 the small children will render their program after which preaching services will be held. In the afternoon the larger girls and boys will render their part. Rev. Fikes of Saluda Methodist Church will preach following this program. The public is invited to attended these services.

Miss Sarah Pagett, Home Demonstrator, held a meeting at Columbus last Wednesday, demonstrating the packing of peaches, peas and beets. The meeting proved very interesting. Miss Marie Lynch was appointed chairman of the work here to make preparatins for the meetings to be held later in Columbus township.

An ice cream supper will be held by the Ladies Betterment Club on the school campus Saturday June 10th, commencing at 5 o’clock. Everyone is invited to attend.

Austin Newman of Washington is visiting his parents, J.W. Newman and wife.

Born to Robt. McFarland and wife, May 31, a girl, Mary Elizabeth.

The Ladies Betterment Club will hold its regular meetings on Saturday before the first and third Sundays of each month. All the ladies are asked to attend.

Quite a number of young people from here attended the ice cream supper at Mill Spring Saturday night.

Miss Dorothy McChesney has returned home from Landrum where she graduated from the high school there.

W.H. Hill spent the week end with his family here.

Miss Eva Clark and Thorne Ledbetter of near Chimney Rock spent Saturday and Sunday with the Misses Lynch.

N.T. Mills left Thursday for Spartanburg where he will take treatment at Steely’s Hospital.

Miss Orletta Landis left last week for Ohio where she will visit relatives.

Mrs. Elias Walker is visiting her daughter, Mrs. E.B. Cloud.

From the front page and page 4 of the Polk County News, Tryon, N.C., June 8, 1922. Home Demonstration Agent's last name was spelled Padgett and Pagett in the newspaper. I don't know which is ocrruect.

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