Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Build a Chapel Hill Hospital in Memory of Men Who Died in World War I, June 14, 1922

Hospital Facilities for Medical School

Chapel Hill, June 14—A resolution was adopted at the annual commencement meeting of the university trustees here yesterday afternoon to work toward the erection of an adequate hospital as a memorial to the men of North Carolina killed in the world war.

This was passed after the medical report recently made, established a four-year course here, was adopted.

The new hospital is to be used by the medical school in its work here. The medical school has made such a rapid development that the trustees were greatly enthusiastic over the proposed project.

Other routine matters were settled at the meeting, including adopting of the report of the visiting committee and discussion of the Graham memorial plans.

From the front page of the Fayetteville Observer, June 14, 1922

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