Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Grocers Follow Banks' Lead, Close Stores Thursday Afternoons, June 14, 1922

Grocers Are to Close Stores PM Thursdays Also. . . Leading Grocers of City Follow Plan of Banks; Other Stores May Follow Plan

A pretty thorough canvass of the grocery dealers made by Norwood Tillinhast and Lawrence Hedgpeth yesterday, resulted practically in an agreement by nearly all of the principal grocers of the city to close their stores at 1 o’clock each Thursday afternoon during the long summer days, beginning Thursday, June 22.

And now it is up to the dry goods, clothing and other dealers to go into the arrangement. This closing plan has been adopted in most cities, and there is no reason why it should not be in Fayetteville. If properly conducted, no loss to the merchants nor inconvenience to the buyers would result, while the clerks, who are slaves to the public, would have a needed opportunity for a little recreation each week.

From the front page of the Fayetteville Observer, June 14, 1922. Name spelled Tillinhast in paper…should it have been Tillinghast? I don’t know.

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