Thursday, June 2, 2022

Early Spuds and Peas Moving North, June 2, 1922

First Car Load of Early Spuds. . . Potatoes Start Moving From Elizabeth City and Rains Boost the Crop

The first car load of early Irish potatoes of the season moved from Elizabeth City Wednesday, consigned to New York wholesale produce dealers by R.C. Abbott. This car will reach New York Saturday morning. New potatoes were selling in New York yesterday at $5 to $550 a barrel. Other car load shipments of potatoes will made from this city within the next few days and the movement will get underway in big shape next week.

The outlook to-day is for a good crop of potatoes in the Elizabeth City territory, (in) spite of the set-back earlier in the season. Two heavy rains within the past few days have given the crop exactly the water it needed to make the best possible growth. More rain will not be needed to carry the crop.

The potatoes shipped by R.C. Abbott this week were grown by W.H. Sherlock, Morris & Rogerson, R.M. Bailey, J.M. Cartwright, B.O. Morris, and R.H. Meads. An earlier shipment of 112 barrels of potatoes came from the farm of D.B. Walston at Weeksville Tuesday.

Some little concern is felt by local growers because the movement of potatoes from the Eastern Shore of Virginia is already under way. By all the rules of climate and geography, the North Carolina crop should move a bit ahead of the Eastern Shore of Virginia, but those Virginians have their lands in a high state of cultivation and lose no time.

The pea crop n this county has not been fully harvested yet. Two refrigerator cars of peas were shipped by R.C. Abbott Wednesday of this week and Mr. Abbott expects to load yet another car of peas Monday of next week. The price of peas has held up splendidly, the price being $2 to $4 a basket in New York Wednesday.

From the front page of The Independent, Elizabeth City, N.C., June 2, 1922

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