Thursday, June 2, 2022

J.L. Armfield Trial for Embezzlement Continues, June 1, 1922

Armfield Accounts Admitted in Court

Lexington, N.C., June 1—Over constant objections by counsel for J.L. Armfield, on trial here charged with embezzlement, the court this morning permitted the entrance of a large number of transactions recorded in the ledger sheets of the daily balance records of the defunct bank of Thomasville. The State sought to show by these that Armfield constantly overdrew his account even after previous balances had shown him considerably overdrawn.

This evidence was kept out late yesterday upon objection by the defense on the ground that witnesses could not possibly swear to entries made on the sheets by the use of posting machines.

Julius Green, former posting clerk, whose testimony was held up by objections yesterday, was recalled this morning and related to the jury a number of the items shown. A.B. Brooks, attorney for Armfield, again objected to Green’s testimony, because he had stated yesterday that he could swear only that he made the first entries on the several sheets in question.

Green’s testimony was expected to open the way for the introduction of further documentary evidence during the day.

From The Charlotte News, June 1, 1922

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