Monday, June 6, 2022

Hospital Notes From Fort Bragg, June 5, 1922

Hospital Notes From Fort Bragg

Captain M.A. Dawson, 5th F.A., has been moved from the hospital to his quarters and is getting along very nicely and is marked quarters. Sergeant Donnet C. Smith, Battery “E” 5th Field Artillery, is getting along very nicely.

Private William Owl, Battery “E” 5th Field Artillery, is also on the road to recovery.

Corporal Robert Brothers, Service Battery 5th Field Artillery, is improving very rapidly.

Private George H. Evans, Quartermaster Corps, who has been a patient at the Station Hospital, has been returned to duty.

Private William F. Kidd, Battery “F” 5th Field Artillery, who has also been a patient at the Station Hospital, has returned to duty.

Private Pat Garrigan, Medical Detachment, who has been a bed patient at the Station Hospital for the past seven months, was heard asking for a pair of shoes this morning. What’s the matter, Garrigan? Are you going to another dance?

Mechanic Guy C. Roberts, Battery C, 5th Field Artillery, was admitted to the Station Hospital Saturday morning suffering from malarial fever. This is a sad loss to the 5th Field Artillery Baseball Team, as the records shows him leading in batting. It is hoped that he will soon be seen again in uniform.

From the Fayetteville Observer, Monday, June 5, 1922

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