Saturday, June 4, 2022

Social News From Mooresville, June 4, 1922


Mooresville, June 3—One of the most delightful social events of the season was the reception given by the Rotary Club on last Thursday night. A number of ladies were in attendance. The spacious quarters in the Community building were draped in yellow and blue, the Rotary colors. The tables were beautifully decorated with quantities of roses and sweetpeas. Rev. W.W. Boyce made a very interesting address. Miss Elizabeth Rankin delighted the guests with a reception. A number of musical selections had been arranged for the occasion, with Miss Nita Sloop as pianist, and Mr. Hugh Sloop as soloist. The ladies of the Civic League furnished refreshments. The evening was one of especial pleasure, the ladies proving themselves enthusiastic Rotarians.

Mrs. Claud Mayhew, on West Academy street, was at home to the Social Hour Club on Friday afternoon from 4 o’clock to 6.

Mrs. W.S. Flowers, at the Commercial Hotel, has her guest, Miss Annie Smith of Goldsboro. Miss Smith has been teaching music at Salem College the past term.

Miss Leona Miller of Montreat has spent the past week here with her mother, Mrs. I.F. Miller, on West Center Avenue.

Miss Ruth Brawley, who has been teaching at Graham for the past school term, returned home the latter part of the week. Miss Brawley will spend the vacation with her parents here, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brawley, on Broad Street.

Rev. T.F. Haney of Winston-Salem spent Monday in the city. Mr. Haney is very pleasantly remembered here, having been pastor of the Second Presbyterian Church for several years.

Miss Sarah Brawley, who has been a student at Converse College for the past school term, arrived home Thursday.

Misses Elizabeth Neill, Mary Agnes McNeely and Cora Freeze have returned from Salem College and will spend the vacation with their parents.

Lathen Mills, who has been a student at A. & E. College at Raleigh, arrived home Thursday. He was accompanied by Heath Kennette and James Young, who have also been students of the same institution.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Deaton, on Eastern Heights, have had as a guest for the past week Miss Jessie Deaton of Concord.

Miss Mary Howard Turlington arrived home Wednesday after spending the past school term at Salem College.

Miss Grace Kipka had as a guest over Sunday Miss Ruth Knox of Mt. Ulla. Hugh McCrary was also a guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Kipka for a few days.

Mr. and Mrs. I.H. Gentry on Eastern Heights have had as a special guest for several days Miss Mary Duke, who has been teaching at Davidson for the past year. Miss Duke was enroute to her home at Statesville.

Mrs. I.A. White, after visiting in Atlanta for several days, has returned to her home in the city.

Mr. and Mrs. W.D. Templeton returned home Wednesday from Red Springs, where they had been attending the graduation exercises at Flora McDonald College. Miss Lynda Templeton a daughter of Mr. Templeton, was a member of the graduating class. Miss Templeton was accompanied home by her friend, Miss Vera Coe of Wallahalla, S.C.

Donald S. Abernethy, a student at Randolph-Macon Academy, is expected home Thursday to spend the vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R.M. Abernethy, on West Center Avenue.

Misses Alma Culp and Catherine Deaton arrived Wednesday from Flora MacDonald College, where they have been students for the past year. Miss Deaton was accompanied by her friend, Miss Mamie Baker of Latta, S.C. Miss Baker will be a guest of Miss Deaton for several days.

Mr. and Mrs. King, on East Academy Street, have had as guests the past week Mrs. Craig and daughter, of Greensboro. Mrs. Craig is very pleasantly remembered here, having resided in Mooresville a number of years since.

Mrs. H.C. Johnston has as guests for several days Mrs. Maggie Vance and Miss Tillie King of Concord.

Mrs. I.H. McLelland is visiting friends and relatives at Red Springs, her former home.

Misses Pauline Edminston and Pearl Davis, who have been attending school at Flora MacDonald College, arrived here Wednesday. The young ladies were accompanied home by Mr. Eugene Edmiston, father of Miss Edmiston, who had gone to Red Springs to attend the commencement exercises.

Prof. M.C. Noble of the faculty of the University of North Carolina spent Friday in Mooresville, where he delivered the annual address to the graduating class of the Mooresvile high school.

Rev. I.A. Black, who has been assisting in protracted services at South Side Baptist Church, returned to his home at Albemarle Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Powell of Concord have been visiting friends in the city.

Frank Moore and Moore Kelly, students at Trinity College for the past term, arrived home Thursday.

Miss Pauline Dixon of Charlotte spent the week-end with friends in the city. Miss Dixon formerly lived in Mooresville.

From The Charlotte News, June 4, 1922

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