Monday, June 13, 2022

W.A. Erwin, Erwin Cotton Mills, Will Give $50,000 for Episcopal Church in Chapel Hill, June 13, 1922

W.A. Erwin Makes Liberal Donation. . . Gives $50,000 for the New Episcopal Church at Chapel Hill

Chapel Hill, June 12—An interesting bit of news leaked out in this community today when it became known that W.A. Erwin, chief owner of the Erwin Cotton mills, is to be the donor of the new Episcopal church the construction of which will begin at an early date.

The exact amount that will be given by Mr. Erwin has not been definitely learned, but it is known that the Durham Cotton mill manufacturing company will make a gift of at least $50,000 on the Episcopal church this sum to go to the construction of the church itself, rather than the incidentals. The building of the new parish house, improvement of the grounds, and other projects under way by the Episcopalians will be paid for from other sources.

Some time ago the plans for construction of the new church and additions were announced. Before that there had been talk of enlarging the old church, known as the Chapel of the Cross, but when the Barbee property was acquired, definite plans were made to build an entire new church and let the Chapel of the Cross stand, and now comes the good news that Mr. Erwin will be the donor of the new church.

The Barbee property adjoins the property on which the little Episcopal church now stands. It is planned to have a colonnade effect to connect the new structure and the chapel of the Cross, the latter to be need for Sunday school services and such other functions. The new edifice will be one of the most handsome churches in the community, and will be amply large enough to accommodate the congregation which has outgrown the little Chapel of the Cross.

From the front page of The Dunn Dispatch, June 13, 1922.

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