Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Announcement About Railroad Strike Coming, Sept. 13, 1922

Jewell Hopes for a Settlement. . . Head of Shopmen Promises a Full Statement Today. . . Hinted That Policy Committee Has Reached a Decision in Part. . . Union Chiefs Are Silent. . . Will Not Commit Themselves

By Associated Press

Chicago, Sept. 13—A decision on part of the questions discussed in secret sessions of the general policy committee off the striking railway shopcrafts was reached today B.M. Jewell, president of the railway employes department American Federation of Labor, announced when the committee adjourned a long session at 1:45 o’clock this afternoon for lunch. He promised a full statement late this afternoon.

Mr. Jewell declined to say whether the questions already decided had to do with a settlement of the strike. He said it was only a decision in part and that the remainder of the proposals would be discussed at the afternoon session.

From the front page of the High Point Enterprise, Sept. 13, 1922

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