Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Goldsboro Raising Funds to Underwrite Carolina-Wake Forest Game, Sept. 6, 1922

Canvass Today for Guarantee Football Team

A guarantee of sufficient money to have the Carolina-Wake Forest game here September 30 will be secured this morning, in the opinion of S.F. Teague, chairman of the joint alumni committee in charge of arrangements for the game. At the meeting in the chamber of commerce last night 15 were present who promised to do their part up to $500 in underwriting the game. A canvass of the town will be made this morning to secure a guarantee of the necessary $1,200. W. Frank Taylor, lawyer, was among those who was not at the committee meeting but left his name promising to guarantee his part.

From the front page of The Goldsboro News, Wednesday, Sept. 6, 1922

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