Friday, September 9, 2022

'Round Town in New Bern, Sept. 9, 1922

‘Round Town. . . Social and Personal News and Other Items of Local Interest

Mrs. Harry Barlow has returned from New York City, where she has been taking a special music course during the summer. She is planning to open a music school in New Bern this fall.

Miss Sybil Dean Wilson left this morning for Greensboro to attend the North Carolina College for Women.

C.C. Kirkpatrick, secretary of the Craven County Agricultural Committee, returned last night from a trip to Chicago.

D.A. Harris of Vanceboro was in the city today, attending to business matters.

G.A. Barden is in Dunn on a brief business trip.

Mrs. L.W. Lewis of Vanceboro was in town today on a shopping visit.

Professor and Mrs. Henri Bourdelais have returned from Massachusetts where they have been spending the summer. They report a most enjoyable vacation. Incidentally, they had the distinction of staying on the shores of a lake which has the longest name in the country—Lake Gaggologgoshrd:uetaobump.

Owen Dunn has returned from a business trip to Kinston.

Joe Barbrey has returned from New York and Baltimore, where he has been purchasing fall and winter goods for J.J. Baxter Company.

Mrs. W.P. Hodges of Fort Barnwell was in the city today on a shopping visit.

Harry Paterson, who has been ill for the past few days, is able to be out again.

Miss Grace Oglesby is confined to her home with an attack of malarial fever.

Joe S. Weaver of Kinston was in the city today on a brief business visit.

From the front page of the Sun-Journal, New Bern, Saturday afternoon, September 9, 1922

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