Thursday, September 8, 2022

Beautiful Mahogany Dining Room Suite Made by Elizabeth City's Griggs-Forbes Furniture Company, on Display, Sept. 8, 1922

Display of Furniture Will Attract Attention Next Week. . . Beautiful Mahogany Dining Room Suite Was made in Elizabeth City and Will Be on Exhibition at Quinn’s for a Special Valspar Demonstration

An interesting exhibit will be held at Quinn Furniture Company’s store next week. Every Elizabeth City man and woman, boy and girl, will want to see it. It is a beautiful dining room suite of solid mahogany of historic Hepplewhite design, of superior craftsmanship, and of exquisite loveliness.

This suite was not made in London, where Hepplewhite, the cabinet maker, originated the term by his fine workmanship. Neither was it made in New York, that metropolis where some Americans in smaller towns seem to think the only legitimate and orthodox place of birth for their household and personal needs and luxuries. It was not made in Grand Rapids, Michigan, that city noted for its superior grade of workmanship in American-made furniture. Nor even at High Point, North Carolina’s famous furniture town.

This suite in all its perfection of detail was made right in Elizabeth City by home town folks—the Griggs-Forbes Furniture Company. It is finished in the nationally advertised Valspar and each afternoon of next week, from 4 to 5:30 at Quinn’s, a demonstration will be given to show how wonderfully Valspar stands the extremes of heat and cold without showing any effects of these tests whatever.

The Griggs-Forbes Furniture Company, by the way, started up here in the slump of 1920 with C.M. Griggs and M.M. Forbes Jr. sole owners, proprietors, and workers. Without making much noise about it, the company has been busily at work the entire time, constantly shipping its product throughout this section of the State. It has outgrown its present quarters on Wilson avenue in the northwestern section of town and is ready to erect a new building twice the size of the old one. It has been modest in its claims but at the same time has refused to lower the standard of work. The exhibit of this beautiful suite will attract the attention of the home town public and of visitors to what the Griggs-Forbes Company has accomplished here in a very short time.

From front page of the Daily Advance, Elizabeth City, N.C., Sept. 8, 1922

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