Friday, April 14, 2023

4-Year-Old Boy Killed, Two Others Likely to Die, April 12, 1923

One Killed and Two Likely to Die

Dunn, April 9—Robert, 4-year-old son of I.W. Norris of Duke, was instantly killed and five other people were injured late Sunday afternoon when a Ford car ran off a 30-foot embankment abutting a bridge which spans Cape Fear River, four miles west of Dunn.

The Norris child had his skull crushed, both legs, one arm, and his neck broken. Both the parents of the child were painfully hurt, while another of their children and a man named Pate, who was driving the car, are not expected to live.

Three other near serious automobile accidents have occurred near Dunn during the past two days, all the cars turning completely over on the highways. Fay Allen, young white man, is in a hospital not expected to recover while several other passengers on the three cars were painfully hurt.

From the front page of The Chatham Record, Pittsboro, N.C., April 12, 1923

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