Sunday, April 16, 2023

Negro Boy Passes Forged $10 Check, April 16, 1923

Negro Boy Flashes a Forged $10 Check

Salisbury, April 15—Tom’s drug store fell victim to a check-flashing artist several days ago but the duplicity was not discovered until the gentleman whose name had been used on the check had been communicated with by the bank the check was drawn on and in which bank the citizens had no funds.

A negro boy presented a check to Mr. Tom for $10. It was apparently drawn by L.S. Bradshaw, payable to Dr. R.T. Ellington, and endorsed by the latter. The check was accompanied by a note signed by Dr. Ellington and asking that the check be cashed as he was going to Charlotte on a night train and needed a little cash. The boy was given the money as there was no question about the check being good, and Mr. Tom thought no more about the matter until it developed that the signatures of Mr. Bradshaw and Dr. Ellington were forgeries.

From the front page of The Concord Daily Tribune, April 16, 1923.

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