Sunday, April 16, 2023

Women Not Being Flogged, Says Dr. Norman; Note Headline Doesn't Match Story, April 16, 1923

Chas. M. Schwab Says Conditions Are Improving Now. . . There Are Indications, He Says in an Interview, That We “Are Entering Into a Period of Expansion”. . . Urges the Utmost Caution, However. . . Says Caution Must Be Exercised, However, To Prevent This From Developing Into a Second Inflation

By the Associated Press

Raleigh, April 16—No woman prisoner in the state prison at Raleigh has been flogged during the present administration, Dr. J.R. Norman, chief physicians, who is required to be present whenever punishment is inflicted at the institution, declared today, in reply to charges of E.E. Dudding, President of the Prisoners Relief Society, Washington, to the effect that “women are being flogged by guards as badly as in slavery times” at the penitentiary.

Either the chief physician or his assistants whenever whippings are being administered at the present, Dr. Norman asserted, adding that during this time he has “never witnessed an inhumane treatment of prisoners.” A leather strap about 2 feet long is used, he said.

Dudding’s allegations of improper conditions at the prison were characterized by the physician as being false in their entirety.

From the front page of The Concord Daily Tribune, April 16, 1923. Headline doesn’t match story!

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