Friday, May 24, 2024

Carl White to be Tried for Beating Wife, Two Children to Death, May 24, 1924

To Be Tried for Murder of Wife and Children

By the Associated Press

Taylorsville, N.C., May 24—Carl White, who it is alleged killed his wife and children at their home about seven miles from here on the Taylorsville-Lenoir Road, nearly seven years ago, will be brought back and tried for murder at the September term of Alexander County Superior Court, according to a statement issued at the sheriff’s office here. The accused has been in an asylum for the criminally insane since the killings occurred. Thought the Grand Jury returned an indictment against him charging murder, no action has been taken to bring him to trial until recently when Sheriff Robinet went to Raleigh to bring the man back to this county.

It was decided by the sheriff and asylum officials that White should remain there until time of the trial. Previous to the tragedy, it is said that White had shown no signs of insanity, but his friends claim that he had always acted peculiarly. He is said to have killed his wife and two children with a shot gun by beating them over their heads.

From the front page of The Concord Daily Tribune, Saturday, May 24, 1924

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