Saturday, May 25, 2024

Eliza Gordon Carver Has Died, May 25, 1924

Mrs. Carver Was Buried on Friday. . . Mother of Local Man Died in Her 24th Year, at Home in Roxboro

Funeral services for Mrs. Eliza Gordon Carver, mother of H.L. Carver, chairman of the Durham county commissioners, and O.T. Carver, well known real estate dealer of Durham, were conducted Friday afternoon at 3 o’clock from the Long Memorial church in Roxboro with the pastor of that church officiating. Burial followed in the Roxboro cemetery.

Mrs. Carver died Thursday morning at 4 o’clock. She was in her 84th year. Throughout her long life she was resident of Roxboro and was well known throughout Person county and in this section.

Survivors are three daughters and four sons, as follows: Mrs. Albert Clayton of Roxboro, Mrs. O.F. Carver of Roxboro, Mrs. Richard Maynard of Salisbury, O.T. Carver of Durham, H.L. Carver of Rougemont, W.A. Carver of Rougemont, and J.H. Carver of Roxboro.

From page 2 of the Durham Morning Herald, Sunday, May 25, 1924. I don't know why the headline stated that she died in her 24th year when she was 84 years old.

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