Sunday, May 26, 2024

Mrs. Holland Says Straw Hat Protected Her Head in Car Accident, May 26, 1924

Mrs. J.E. Holland and Child Are Hurt While Riding

Two cars were more or less damaged and Mrs. John E. Holland and baby son bruised and scratched, as they came together at S.B. Dyer’s store corner about 1 o’clock Sunday.

A car driven by Mr. Pruitt was coming south on the Ridgeway road and as it approached the corner, struck the car Mrs. Holland was driving. The child’s face was scratched and Mrs. Holland sustained a severe blow on the head, which was protected by a stout straw hat, protecting her considerably.

From the front page of the Tri-City Daily Gazette, Leaksville, N.C., Monday, May 26, 1924

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