Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Hail Plays Havoc on Crops in Rockingham, May 28, 1924

Hail Plays Havoc in Rockingham. . . Wheat and Clover Fields Are Literally Torn to Pieces—Tobacco Plant Beds Were Hit Hard

Madison, May 24—One of the most terrific rain, hail and electrical storms ever known at this season of the year visited parts of Rockingham county Tuesday night, leaving destruction in its wake. the hail, covering a path a few miles wide, set in near Farrar’s store, in the southwest part of New Bethel township, and extended eastward for many miles.

Clover and wheat fields and plant beds were the hardest hit. In many places wheat was beaten into the ground and none will be left for harvesting. Fruit was also pounded from the trees. The damage to plant beds is probably most serious. Hail stones, it is said, as large a guinea eggs, fell. The storm lasted for several hours.

From the front page of the Danbury Reporter, Wednesday, May 28, 1924

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