Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Railroad Pays Dr. and Mrs. King $6,500 in Damages, May 29, 1924

Railroad Pays Damages for Serving Bad Meats

Washington, May 28—Dr. D.D. King of Greensboro and his wife, Mrs. Dora Bristow King, whose honeymoon trip to New York city on December 30, 1919, was spoiled because of tainted veal served to Mrs. King in a dining car between Washington and New York, were awarded a total of $6,500 damages by a jury today in circuit court Number One here.

The suit was directed against the United States railroad administration. Dr. King and his wife both contended that she will be affected mentally and physically for the rest of her life as a result of ptomaine poisoning. Mrs. King was made violently ill after eating one mouthful of the veal. Mrs. King was awarded $5,5000 and her husband was awarded $1,000 for the loss of his services.

From the front page of the Concord Daily Tribune, Thursday, May 29, 1924

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