Saturday, May 25, 2024

Social News from Oxford, May 25, 1924


Wayside Farm, the lovely country home of Mr. C.H. Cheatham, was the scene of a quiet and impressive wedding at high noon Saturday, May 17th, when his sister, Miss Oliva B. Cheatham, was married to Mr. John B. Tomlinson of Smithfield. In the music room, which was tastefully decorated with ferns and snowball, Rev. D.H. Tuttle, pastor the groom, performed the ceremony which was attended only by immediate members of the families.

The bride, gowned in powder blue crepe with black picture hat, entered on the arm of her brother, Mr. C.H. Cheatham, carrying a bouquet of valley lilies. The groom was attended by Mr. Frank Broadhurst of Smithfield as best man.

Mrs. J.R. Allen, sister of the bride, played the wedding march.

Immediately after the ceremony, an elegant luncheon was served after which Mr. and Mrs. Tomlinson left amid a shower of rice and good wishes for a bridal tour to points in western North Carolina.


Mrs. N.B. Strickland entertained on Saturday in honor of Miss Mildred Harris of the graded school faculty, whose marriage to Mr. E.E. Fuller takes place in June. The guests were welcomed by Mrs. Strickland, assisted by mesdames C.G. Credle, D.K. Taylor, and S.G. Boddie. An interesting Shakespearean contest was entered into by the guests. At the conclusion of which Masters Billy Credle and Willis Strickland entered dressed as chefs bearing a large basket filled with attractive and useful kitchen gifts for the bride-elect. Miss Harris in a most gracious manner acknowledged the gifts amid much merriment. Tempting refreshments were served. This was a most delightful party in honor of this attractive June bride.

Those accepting the hospitality of Mrs. Strickland were: Mesdames W.W. Barnhart, T.G. Stem, F.F. Lyon, W.W. Fuller, H.H. Scott, S.G. Boddie, D.K. Taylor, C.G. Credle, J.H. Bullock, W.N. Thomas, Misses Lila Currin, Jeanette Biggs, Fletcher, Carrie Fuller, Kathleen Covington, Edna White, Claire Harris, Hettie Lyon, Katherine Bradsher.


Mrs. Mary R. Dela Croix entertained on Friday morning in honor of her guest, Miss Norma Shannonhouse of Pittsboro, and Miss Elizabeth Niles, whose marriage to Mr. Paul Stevens of Burlington takes place June 4th.

Tables were arranged for 20 guests, who greatly enjoyed an exciting game of bridge. The guests of honor were presented lovely gifts by the hostess. At the conclusion of the game, elegant refreshments were served.


Mrs. Melissa B. Stroud announces the engagement of her daughter, Gladys Lee, to Mr. James R. Powell of Wilmington. The marriage will take place in June.

Mrs. William Harris of Wilmington is the guest of Mrs. W.Z. Mitchell.

One of the most delightful parties for a June bride of Oxford was the one given Friday afternoon at the West End Country Club of Henderson by Mrs. C.M. Booth, honoring Miss Treva Garman of Oxford, whose engagement to Mr. Irvin Watkins of Henderson was recently announced. The club has been attractively decorated with their colorful place cards and tallies. Each guest was presented with little nosegays of sweet peas and roses. A delicious salad course was served. The bride-elect was presented bits of handmade lingerie. Those invited to this charming event were: Mesdames Ewing Smith, Waverly Harris, James Powell, William Webb, Edward Matthews, Lewis Jones; Misses Lillian Cheatham, Treva Garman, Mary Landis, Helen Scanlon, Edith Phillips, Estell White, Fisher Hunt, Sarah Cannady, Daisy Smith, Idle Kerr Taylor, Mary Powell, of Oxford; Miss Billy Landis, Misses Beulah Dempster and Lucy B. Adams of Henderson. From page 2 of the Durham Morning Herald, Sunday, May 25, 1924. The bride’s first name was spelled “Oliva” in the paper, not “Olivia.”

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