Thursday, September 19, 2024

Alumnae News from Queens College, Sept. 20, 1924

Alumnae News

Miss Lottie Mae Julian, a former student of Queens, is teaching at her home in Salisbury, N.C. Miss Nancy Monroe is teaching Music and French in Laurinburg, N.C.

Miss Alice Gibbon, who has been a student at Queens for the past three years, is now attending the Assembly Training School in Richmond, Va.

A marriage of interest to all the old Queens girls occurred on Sunday afternoon, August 31st, when Miss Mary Elizabeth Douglas of Wadesboro, N.C., became the bride of Mr. Walker Lewis-Hudson of Macon, Ga. The bride is an A.B. graduate of Queens College, was president of the Pi Delta Literary Society and popular with both faculty and students.

Misses Rosa Moye Mercer and Gertrude Carrington, both graduates in the class of ’24, are teaching in Clinton, N.C.

Misses Cornelia Wearn and Lois Rogers will enter the University of N.C. this fall.

Miss Rhoda Thomas, who received her H.E. degree from Queens is teaching in Greensboro, N.C. Misses Minnie Blair Porter, Janice Montgomery, Jennie Sue De Armond, Aletha Bracy, and Marie Bethune are teaching in Morehead City, N.C.

Miss Louise Paterson has entered the St. Elizabeth Hospital, Richmond, Va., for training. May Washburn is teaching expression this year in Shelby, N.C.

A marriage of great interest to Queens girls took place Saturday night when Mable Long, former student of Queens College, became the bride of Mr. Walter G. Rierson of Winston-Salem, N.C. Lorene Brown, of the class of ’24, and Hazel Houston, also a former student of Queens, were members of the bridal party.

Mildred Pitts is teaching near Matthews, N.C., this year.

Aubrey Devinny is attending King’s Business College this year.

Sarah Robinson will be a student at N.C.C.W. this year.

Virginia Ramsay is going to Chicora that year to make up some high school credits. She expects to return to Queens for the second semester, however.

Ernestine Lucas will attend Winthrop College this session. She is taking a special course in physical education.

Mrs. Jimmy Edmunds, of the class of ’22, has a fine son.

Queens Blues, Charlotte, N.C., “For a True Blue Queens,” page 4, Sept. 20, 1924

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