Thursday, September 19, 2024

Athletic Association Elects Officers, Sept. 20, 1924

Athletic Association Elects Officers. . . A New Idea in Athletics Suggested

After a mass meeting in the auditorium Monday night, the student body was turned over to the president of the Athletic Association, Bernice Teal. The first business attended to was the election of several different officers that were not voted on last year when only the president was elected. The officers selected were Eleanor Cathcart as vice-president; Nell Riddle, secretary; Freda Jordan, treasurer, and Mary Bankhead as advertising manager.

The president also explained the method that was to be adopted in dividing the basketball teams this year. The student body is to be divided into two groups, one called the dark Blue, the other the Light Blue.

Queens Blues, Charlotte, N.C., “For a True Blue Queens,” editorial page, Sept. 20, 1924

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