Monday, September 2, 2024

Car Accident Left Will Payne with Punctured Lungs, Sept. 3, 1924

Gold Hill Man Badly Hurt in Auto Wreck by “Road Hoggers”. . . Will Payne Has Broken Ribs and Punctured Lungs as Result of Collision

Madison, Sept. 2—Will Payne, young farmer of the Gold Hill community, a few miles from town, is in a serious condition at his home as the result of injuries received when the car in which he was riding was sideswiped Saturday night be one driven by a negro named Webster. The accident occurred on the Madison-Stokesdale road in front of Fleming Goolsby’s home, near town.

Mr. Payne had three ribs broken, and his lungs were punctured in several places. His brother, Hunter Payne, who was with him at the time, was only slightly hurt. Payne’s car was demolished, having turned over several times. Webster, it is said, was not hurt. Road hogging by Webster, it is alleged, caused the wreck. –Daily News

From the front page of the Tri-City Daily Gazette, Leaksville, N.C., Wednesday, September 3, 1924

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