Sunday, September 15, 2024

Dr. McBrayer Moving Practice to Raleigh, Sept. 16, 1924

Dr. McBrayer Opens Office in Raleigh

Dr. James H. McBrayer, who has been for some time successfully engaged in the practice of dentistry here with offices in the Union Trust building, left last week for Raleigh where he will engage in practice. Dr. McBrayer purchased the location and equipment of Dr. S.E. Douglas, there and with the purchase naturally acquires an excellent practice as a starter.

Dr. McBrayer was popular here and efficient as a dentist and will enter the professional circles at Raleigh well equipped to make good. Shelby regrets to lose such an able dentist and he has the best wishes of his many friends for success at his new location.

From the front page of the Cleveland Star, Shelby, N.C., Tuesday, September 16, 1924

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