Sunday, September 15, 2024

Shelby High School Meets Gastonia High Oct. 7, 1924

Highs Play Gastonia at Kings Mountain

The Shelby High gridders will meet the Gastonia high eleven at Kings Mountain on Tuesday, October 7, the date of the Battleground celebration, it has been announced. The locals first game will be on Friday, September 26.

The game in Kings Mountain is expected to be witnessed by a larger crowd than any other during the season, owing to the big celebration on there that day. The event will draw thousands of people from the two Carolinas to the historic mountain, while the game is the chief athletic attraction. The elevens are expected to be better matched than ever before. Word comes from Gastonia that Coach Pat Crawford has a heavy, fast moving outfit and that they intend to score on Shelby for the first time. Appearances here are that Gastonia will meet a stronger Shelby eleven than ever before, which assures the descendants of the Kings Mountain heroes some real athletic entertainment for the day.

From the front page of the Cleveland Star, Shelby, N.C., Tuesday, September 16, 1924

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