Thursday, September 19, 2024

Formal Opening of Queens College, Sept. 20, 1924

Enrollment Largest in History of School. . . Rev. G.F. Rogers, Speaker

The formal opening of Queens College was held Thursday morning, September 11, at 10 o’clock in the college auditorium. The opening enrollment was notable as being the largest in the history of the institution and also as being the first opening of Queens as an A-grade college. Between 200 and 300 students were present, together with many friends of the institution.

Dr. Luther Little, pastor of the First Baptist Church of Charlotte, presided in the absence of Dr. A.A. McGeachy, the President of the Board of Trustees. After the opening hymn, by the congregation, the invocation was made by Dr. G.F. Bell pastor of the Caldwell Memorial Church. Dr. Albert Sidney Johnson, pastor of the First Presbyterian Church, then read the scripture. This was followed by a solo by Miss Elizabeth Starr, instructor in Voice at Queens College.

The address of the morning was delivered by Rev. G. Floyd Rogers of St. Peter’s Episcopal Church. Dr. Rogers offered a welcome to the students and faculty and invited them to make Charlotte their own, to take advantage of the best things which the city has to offer them. He then told the students to appreciate their opportunity of attending college. He also alluded to the pleasure of the memories of college days, after those days are over. In conclusion Dr. Rogers voiced Charlotte’s pride in Queens, which, he said, “stands not only for culture, but for Christianity.”

Following the address were two violin solos by Miss Elfreda Sharp, teacher of Violin in Queens College. Dr. Frazer then introduced the ministers and doctors of Charlotte who were present, the members of the board of trustees, and the new members of the faculty. Dr. Frazer was followed by Miss McLean, dean of Queens College, who made announcements of interest to the students and faculty.

After a few words of welcome from Dr. Little the program was closed with the benediction, which was pronounced by Rev. C.C. Anderson, pastor of the West Avenue Presbyterian Church.

Queens Blues, Charlotte, N.C., “For a True Blue Queens,” Sept. 20, 1924

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