Thursday, September 19, 2024

"Queens Blues" Elects Officers, Staff Members, Sept. 20, 1924

Queens Blues Elects New Officers. . . New Place Created on Staff

The Queens Blues Staff met on September 15 to elect new members to fill the places vacated by the failure of several girls to return to Queens this fall. For reasons pertaining to classification, Sallie Schenck cannot old the office of editor-in-chief. We did not feel that we could give her up entirely, so she was elected to the place of an assistant editor.

The paper is still in capable hands, however, with Julia Boone, former associate editor, as editor-in-chief, and with Helen Allison as managing editor. The staff feels gratified over the addition of this last office, that of managing editor, whose duty is the general management of the paper. This leaves the editor-in-chief free to put her time on the editorials and to college the other materials.

Pauline Owen has made associate editor to take the place of Julia Boone, Ora Quaid Watts, Maude Heywood, and Sallie Schenck were elected as assistant editors, the number having increased one. Minnie McCauley takes the place of Home Economics reporter, while Frances Whitted is Alumnae editor. Lutie Trent, who has entered this year as a Junior, has been given the place of Blue Triangle editor.

The reporters were increased also, with two new members added: Elizabeth Gonzales and Jean Martin.

The staff wishes to take this opportunity to welcome its new members and to say that although we shall miss those who did not return, we feel that their places are by no means vacant.

Queens Blues, Charlotte, N.C., “For a True Blue Queens,” Sept. 20, 1924

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