Thursday, September 19, 2024

Junior Class at Queens College Elects Louise McArthur President, Sept. 20, 1924

Juniors Elect Officers. . . Louise McArthur Elected President

A special meeting of the Junior class was held in Pi Hall last Saturday for the purpose of electing new officers. The meeting was called to order by Irene Kennedy, treasurer of the class, due to the absence of last year’s president and vice-president.

Louise McArthur was elected president of the class. We feel sure that Louise will prove efficient in this position since she has shown unusual ability in her work for the past two years.

Mary Emma Frazer was elected vice-president. Agnes Efird was re-elected secretary, also Irene Kennedy treasurer. These girls have already shown their ability in these offices.

Miss Flora Brasington, who has been Sponsor of this class for the past two years, was unanimously re-elected.

Queens Blues, Charlotte, N.C., “For a True Blue Queens,” Sept. 20, 1924

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