Thursday, September 19, 2024

Here and There With True Blue Queens, Sept. 20, 1924

Here and There

Lois Rogers has been visiting on our campus before she goes to the university to take her M.A. degree. Queens wishes her good luck.

Bob McLeod came over to visit his sister, Marjorie, Tuesday.

Miss McLean has had a very charming visitor, Mrs. Thompson, from Memphis, Tenn., for several days.

Miss Evans, head of the department of History, has not yet arrived, due to the fact that she has been ill.

Mrs. Peabody and Heleah Porter spent the week-end with Annie Robinson.

Mrs. George Hudson, who will be pleasantly remembered as Elizabeth Douglass, was a welcomed visitor on our campus the past week.

Lucile Moore spent two days with her sister, Annie Parks, before returning to N.C.C.W. to resume her junior work.

Sarah Robinson, an old Queens girl, spent Friday night with Ila Hoover. She was also on her way to N.C.C.W.

Katherine Ivey, who was here several years ago, is now on her honeymoon in the North. Nettie Allison ex-day student alumna, sang at the wedding at Lake Junaluska.

Gladys Birmingham announced her engagement last Sunday. Gladys has been very busy buying her trousseau, and by now we suspect everything is in readiness for the big event.

Mildred Pitts was greeting friends on the campus several days ago.

Dr. Frazer spent a few hours in Salisbury Friday where he was a speaker at the Kiwanis Club. In his absence, Dr. Shewmaker conducted the chapel service.

Audrey Devinney was here Saturday for a short visit with last year’s schoolmates.

Ms. Frank Strait, who will be pleasantly remembered as Rena Blanton, Queens alumna, was a visitor on the campus Friday.

Queens Blues, Charlotte, N.C., “For a True Blue Queens,” page 3, Sept. 20, 1924

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