Thursday, September 19, 2024

Let's Be Friendly, Queens College Editorial, Sept. 20, 1924

Let’s Be Friendly, Girls

Someone has said “Relatives are friends given us by nature, but friends are relatives given us by heaven.

To the girl going away to college for the first time or to the former student in any college comes the time when she needs real friends—friends who will be as sure to her as even her relatives would be. Such friends are those who will bear with her during the first days of homesickness and who will sympathize with her in every phase of her life in college.

The time when many of us form lasting friends is in college days. Here we meet girls of all descriptions and by chance one of our own type and disposition. Oftentimes she is our roommate. We live and work for her one year, possibly throughout our college career and at the end, a friendship as strong as those of blood binds one another so closely together that that friendship goes on throughout each of their lives.

We do not only need to be friendly toward those whom we know best, but toward every girl on the campus. Let us have a cheerful word with those in other classes, clubs, and societies, and make an effort to be unselfishly friendly.

Then there are the day students, with whom we work only in classes, for the most part. Day students, we realize that it is hard for you to “get together” as it were with the boarders. We have tried various methods and alas they seem futile, but won’t you help us by trying to make friends with us? Spend some Saturday night in the dormitories and you’ll learn to know us better, also help to create a more friendly feeling between these two divisions of Queens College girls.

After all, may we be one great friendly family together and make our motto: I for you, you for me.

Queens Blues, Charlotte, N.C., “For a True Blue Queens,” editorial page, Sept. 20, 1924

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