Tuesday, September 17, 2024

In Windsor District By Rev. H.N. Drew, Sept. 18, 1924

Windsor District

By Rev. H.N. Drew

Windsor district conference met in Mt. Carmel Zion Church, Merry Hill, N.C., September 3rd, with Rev. C.C. Hunter presiding, Mrs. Hannah Ballard, secretary; Mrs. Rebecca Riddick, assistant, the writer reporter; Brothers S.E. Mann and Henry James, marshals.

Rev. S.S. Johnson assisted the presiding elder in the opening service. The opening sermon was delivered by the Rev. A.H. Nixon.

Welcome addresses were made on behalf of Mt. Carmel Zion church by Mrs. May Swain on behalf of Peterson Chapel Baptist church; Prof. Henry Outlaw on behalf of White Baptist church, S.A. Adams; on behalf of the white Methodist church, Prof. J.E. Smithwick; on behalf of the missionary women, Mrs. Wilson. Rev. H.N. Drew responded.

The reports of the delegates and pastors showed marked improvement on the district over previous years. The Windsor district is growing. We have a new church at Harrisville, N.C., where we have been trying to get in for two years. We have purchased a lot at Robersonville, N.C. and are making preparations to build a new church there. Several other places are being considered for the erection of Zion churches.

Presiding Elder Hunter is working hard to build up the district. He is being strongly supported by the pastors of his district, which means that the district cannot fail.

The missionary women are working to make the district second to none in the conference. I can safely say that we are prepared to send in the amount for which we are assessed for the Missionary Drive before the rally closes. The Windsor District will not fail.

Rev. C.C. Roberson, presiding elder of the Victoria District, Va., conference, J.M. Draper, pastor in the Virginia conference, A.W. Garrett of Elizabeth City district, and Prof. and Mrs. J.L. Reeves were very acceptable visitors.

Quite a number of soul stirring sermons were preached by Revs. A.W. Garrett, H.N. Drew, J.M. Draper and W.W. Horton, which kept the conference spiritually alive.

The presiding elder’s address was very good. Too much praise cannot be given to Rev. S.S. Johnson, his members and the churches of the Baptist denomination for the hospitable way they entertained us. Total collection for what is known as the baby district (Windsor Dist.) of the Albemarle Conference was $112.50 for the three days. Conference closed to meet at Roper, N.C., 1925.

--Plymouth, N.C.

From page 6 of The Star of Zion, Charlotte, N.C., Sept. 18, 1924


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