Tuesday, September 17, 2024

The Pinehurst Circuit, Rev. Wm. J. Jones, Sept. 18, 1924

The Pinehurst Circuit

By Rev. Wm. J. Jones

Dear Editor:

Please allow me to congratulate you on your election to the editorship of our great “Star of Zion.” The Pinehurst circuit is composed of Pinehurst and Manley. We have just closed a glorious revival a few weeks ago at Manley church, in which many souls were saved and the community greatly revived.

Rev. J.J. Wells of Fair Promise A.M.E. Zion church, Sanford, N.C., conducted the meeting. The people came out in large numbers to hear the message from the man of God.

Too much cannot be said of the good people of Manley, and their loyalty and devotion to the church.

On last Sunday, August 31, we held a very successful rally.

There are many earnest and untiring workers such as Sisters Blue, McKoy, Clark, Harrington, McDougal, Barrett, Brower, Evans, Thompson and Brothers Dandy, McKoy, Dunam, Baldwin and many others who are taking care of the interest of the church.

Spaulding’s chapel at Pinehurst, situated in the sand hills of Moore county, is in a progressive section of the country. This being a winter resort for the northern tourists, the churches of the various denominations have quite an advantage there for growth and development.

We now have brick on the ground and are planning to begin our new church in the near future.

We have good, loyal workers in that community.

The following families contribute much to the spiritual as well as the material growth of that section, namely Prof. Taylor, Messrs. McRae, Christian, Robinson Adams, McBride, Scurlock, Crutchfield, McIntosh and others.

The various denominations are in harmony and cooperate for the advancement of the Master’s kingdom.

--Sanford, N.C.

From page 6 of The Star of Zion, Charlotte, N.C., Sept. 18, 1924


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