Monday, September 2, 2024

Oxford Boys Enter Pennsylvania College, Sept. 2, 1924

Oxford Boys Enter Juniatta College

Messrs. Winston Taylor, Parker Lee Tignor and Cam Easton, three of Oxford’s finest boys, left yesterday for Huntington, Pa., to enter Juniatta College, of which former Governor M.G. Brombough of Pennsylvania is president.

It all came about in this way, namely: Mr. W.S. Livingood, former athletic teacher in the Oxford High School, who is now affiliated with Juniatta College, spent last week here. the young men of Oxford literally adore Prof. Livingood and it is not strange that these three men enter Juniatta College, which is one of the largest and best equipped colleges in the country. They will make their home with Mr. and Mrs. Livingood.

Mr. and Mrs. Livingood expressed much pleasure at the courtesy shown them while in Oxford and they wish to be remembered to all good people of the community.

From the front page of the Oxford Public Ledger, Sept. 2, 1924

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