Monday, September 2, 2024

Attwood Spivey Accidentally Shot While Hunting, Sept. 2, 1924

Attwood Spivey Is Accidentally Shot. . . While on Hunting Near Mount Gilead He is Shot by Small Boy, and Dies from Injuries

Mount Gilead, Sept. 1—A most unusual accident occurred here Wednesday when Attwood Spivey went out alone for a hunt. Becoming weary he sat down to rest. A neighbor, son of Mr. Dunn, was also hunting alone. Seeing squirrel climbing a tree he shot, not seeing Mr. Spivey. Three shot struck Mr. Spivey in the eye, putting it out completely, and lodged in the brain. Mr. Spivey walked home with the assistance of the Dunn boy. Hemorrhage soon set up and death came Friday.

Mr. Spivey suffered the loss of two fingers at a saw mill last year and was hurt in an automobile accident this year.

From the front page of the Concord Daily Tribune, Tuesday, September 2,1924

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