Sunday, September 1, 2024

Phillip Wyneberger, Murderer, Returned to State Penitentiary, Sept. 2, 1924

Escaped Convict Returned to Pen. . . Phillip Wyneberger, Murderer, Was Caught Here Friday and Returned to State Penitentiary Yesterday Morning

Philip Wyneberger, alias Walter White, who was taken off an Atlantic Coast Line freight train in this city Friday night by local officers, and who stated that wounds on his face and hands were received while hunting deer in Virginia, and later turned out to be an escaped convict from the State Farm at Halifax, who was shot while making his escape Thursday, was returned to the State Penitentiary in Raleigh yesterday by officers G.O. Stancil and B.E. Merrill.

Wyneberger, according to his own statement, had killed a man in self-defense when he was attacked by four men at his home in Gastonia and has been sentenced to serve two years, which was increased 15 years when he called the judge an “old fool.” These statements proved false, however, when he was turned over to Warden S.J. Busbee at the penitentiary.

Warden Busbee stated he was serving a 15- to 20-year term for killing a deputy sheriff in Gastonia when he resisted arrest. Wyneberger, after killing the officer, left for parts unknown and returned four months after the crime had been committed. Returning under the name of Walter White, he was apprehended and tried and sentences on April 7th, 1924, to serve 15 to 25 years.

Wyneberger killed the officer on (words obscured) 1923 and escaped from the State Farm on the same date this year. He will undoubtedly serve the entire 25 years since his “break.”

From the front page of the Wilson Times, Tuesday, September 2, 1924

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