Monday, September 16, 2024

W.H. Zoeller Elected President of Photographers Association, Sept. 17, 1924

Elizabeth City Man Is Chosen to Lead Photographic Body. . . Fifth Semi-Annual Session of Organization Came to a Close Here Yesterday Afternoon After Two Busy Days—Two Splendid Addresses Heard on Final Day—Many Matters Acted Upon

Following the selection of Greensboro as the place of the sixth semi-annual meeting, the date to be decided upon later, and the election of officers for the ensuing term, the fifth semi-annual convention of the Eastern Carolina Photographers Association, in session in Goldsboro for two days, came to a close yesterday afternoon.

The date of the next meeting, will not fixed definitely will probably during the latter part of next January or the first week in February.

Officers elected were as follows:

W.H. Zoeller, Elizabeth City, president.

C.A. Adams, Wilson, first vice-president.

George Moulton, New Bern, second vice-president.

R.W. Goodrich, Henderson, secretary.

H. Dempt, Rocky Mount, treasurer.

A.O. Clement, Goldsboro, advertising manager.

Yesterday’s session of the convention opened with a business session at 9 o’clock at the Clement Studio on West Walnut street. This was followed by a splendid address at 11 o’clock by Dr. J.H. Highsmith, inspector of the state high schools, N.C. Department of Education, on the “Importance of Thorough Training Ethics in the Profession.” Dr. Highsmith held the rapt attention of everyone present and his remarks were declared to be most interesting as well as entertaining.

Followed then the reports of the various committees, and at 12:30 the convention adjourned for luncheon, re-convening at 2 o’clock to hear a most instructive talk by Col. George N. Free?? Of the Goldsboro Bar on the subject of “the Business Opportunities of the Photographer—Ways of Developing Them.” Col. ?? had his subject well in hand, and his remarks evoked much interest from the members assembled.

One of the most important matters taken up at the closing session of the convention had to do with arrangements looking to the formation of a state society to supplement the Eastern and Western divisions. It was planned to have these two divisions meet at one and the same time, and to once a year hold a joint session. Plans for the formation will be taken up and acted on at the Greensboro meeting.

All in all this convention was declared by every member of the association attending to be one which not only will result in much good, but was thoroughly enjoyed from start to finish.

Mr. Clement was highly praised by the members of the manner in which he directed the entertainment featured and handled all the sessions, while he hospitality of the people of Goldsboro as a whole was praised.

From the front page of The Goldsboro News, Wednesday morning, September 17, 1924

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