Monday, September 16, 2024

Why Are People Carrying Revolvers, Asks Editor, Sept. 17, 1924

Why the Gun?

It has always been more or less of a mystery to the average law-abiding man why some people will walk the streets with their hip pocket bulging from the weight of a revolver, most frequently called a gun. Yet it is a matter of record that there are thousands of people in North Carlina who daily and nightly arm themselves with such a weapon and sally forth in search of they know not what—and they usually find it and a murder results.

We have in mind a case which occurred here in Wayne county a few days ago. It was at a negro baseball game. One man had a revolver and when he became engaged in an altercation with one of the players, he ?? of his wrath now. ??? whipped out the weapon and the ????

That is only one of the hundreds of cases which have occurred in the past few years in eastern Carolina.

No man needs a weapon on his person. The mere fact that he is ???

From the editorial page of The Goldsboro News, Wednesday morning, September 17, 1924. R.F. Beasley, editor. If you click on the link below you will see that most of the rest of this editorial is unreadable, but it gives you an idea of the attitudes concerning handguns 100 years ago.Carrying a concealed weapon was illegal in North Carolina at that time.

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