Monday, January 20, 2025

Bank of North Wilkesboro Elects Directors, Officers, Jan. 21, 1925

Bank of N. Wilkesboro 34th Meeting

The Bank of North Wilkesboro held its annual stockholders meeting January 15th for the first time in its new quarters. This bank was chartered in 1891, making the 34th annual meeting for this reliable bank. Each year it steps firmly forward beneficially to our community and county as well as to its stockholders.

The following directors were elected: A.A. Finley, J.H. Johnston, C. Call, E.g. Finley, J.D. Moore, R.W. Gwyn, S.V. Tomlinson, J.R. Hix and E.M. Blackburn. The directors elected the following officers:

J.R. Hix, president

A.A. Finley, vice president

C. Call, vice president

R.W. Gwyn, cashier

A.W. Horton, assistant cashier

Miss Essie Erwin, assistant cashier

The president of the bank issues the following statement which will be read with interest:

To Stockholders and Directors, Bank of North Wilkesboro:


The Bank has had a successful year. Our statement indicates a gain in both resources and deposits. After the payment of two semi-annual dividends of 4 per cent each, the undivided profits were substantially increased. Careful and systematic attention is given the affairs of the bank by the examination and finance committee as well as the officers of the bank. And it is, therefore, a pleasure to report to the Stockholders the excellent condition of the bank’s papers and securities.

The year 1924 marks another milestone in the history of our institution. The annual meeting one year ago was held in the old quarters on the opposite corner. This is the first business meeting of the stockholders to be held in our new building.

The community at large has shown unusual interest and expressed themselves as being greatly pleased with the new banking home. The bank has been commended for this forward movement in securing adequate facilities for meeting the needs of our growing town and county. Patrons of the bank have shown their appreciation by word and deed, and our employees are delighted with the comforts and conveniences of the building.

In very briefly reviewing the condition of the past year, we find the agricultural interests suffered mor than for many years. The major crop corn in Wilkes county was very short in some sections. Rainy weather during wheat harvest greatly reduced the yield and quality of the crop. The canning industry operated extensively during season. The returns to our county from the blackberries alone was an important item. Fruit growing is increasing year by year and is more an asset to Wilkes county. Poultry-raising is increasing in all sections of our county, and the returns for poultry and eggs is another important item.

Lumber perhaps is not yet back to normal but indications point to an improvement in this industry. Our commercial houses appear to be doing a profitable and satisfactory volume of business and all of our factories in the various lines are operating full time which leads us to believe 1925 will be a most satisfactory year.

Our duty as a bank is to serve this community and our section of the state. This can only be done successfully by building up an institution with resources sufficient to handle the growing business of our section. What we are now asking is that every stockholder use his influence for securing new business for the bank.

Our facilities are ample and we solicit both large and small checking and savings accounts, and we are depending on our stockholders to help us make the bank continue to grow.

We extend our sincere thanks for your loyalty and co-operation in the past and to wish for you health, happiness and prosperity in 1925.

J.R. Hix, President

From the front page of the North Wilkesboro Hustler, Wednesday, Jan. 21, 1925

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