Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Ellenboro News in Forest City Courier, Jan. 8, 1925

Ellenboro News

Ellenboro, Jan. 5—School opened this morning with a full attendance.

Prof. Shuford was absent from school today on account of the illness of his baby.

Mr. and Mrs. Reid Pruett, Mr. Harland Pruett, from Greensboro, also Mr. Arnold Wilson from Columbia, S.C., visited at the home of Mr. G.B. Pruett during the Christmas holidays.

The young people who spent the Christmas holidays here were: Misses Bernice Burns, Pauline Culbreth, Myrtice Hamrick and Ruth McKinney; Messrs. Morris Hamrick, Guy McKinney and Lewis McKinney from Boiling Springs High School, Mr. Rex Long from wake Forest, Miss Blanche Green and Mr. Laxton Hamrick from Burnsville; Misses Lucile Wright, Sarah Byers and Dorothy Bridges from Union Mills; Miss Muriel Bridges and Mr. Glenn Bridges from Brevard; Misses Jessie and Polly Martin; Messrs. Fred Byers and Joe Martin from Asheville.

Mr. Fred Hamrick spent several days of last week at Matthews, N.C., with his uncle, Mr. Solon Hamrick.

Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Martin from Monroe, N.C., have been spending a few days with Mr. Martin’s mother, Mrs. Ophia Martin.

Mr. and Mrs. Lee Goforth and family, from Cliffside, spent the weekend at the home of Mr. Elijah Hamrick.

Mr. J.L. Lovelace from Raleigh and Mrs. Ralph Hamrick from Boiling Springs took supper at the home of Rev. Z.D. Harrill Sunday night.

Mr. Jim Davis, who has been clerking at a hotel in Charlotte, spent the week-end at his home here.

Mr. Henry Harrill is sick at this writing. We hope he will soon be better.

Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Lee from Alabama have been visiting Mrs. Lee’s sisters, Misses Ida and Betty Greene.

From page 2 of the Forest City Courier, Thursday, Jan. 8, 1925.


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