Mooresboro, R-1, Jan. 5—Mrs. W.C. Jenkins has been staying a few days with her father, Mr. H.A. Wall, who is very ill.
Misses Bernice and Sara Jenkins and Miss Birdie Byrd spent Sunday afternoon at the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. G.W. Byrd of Gafney, route 9.
Miss Edna Mae Scruggs who has bene in Shelby Hospital came home last Friday.
Misses Byrd and Whiteside came back last Wednesday after spending the holidays with their parents.
Honor Roll
The honor roll for Ferry school for December is composed of those who made the best grades on examinations for December.
First grade: Thurman Lookadoo, Jack Scruggs, Eline Crawford.
Second grade: Annie Pearl Elmore, Sara Jenkins and James Tate.
Third grade: Elizabeth Elmore. Elizabeth was promoted to the fourth grade.
Fourth grade: Jessie Scruggs, Yancie Scruggs, Ruby Tate, Mattie Goode, Irene Scruggs and Mary Goode.
Fifth grade: Emily Putman, who was promoted to the sixth grade.
Sixth grade: C.B. Beason and Ruth Goode.
Seventh grade: Vernice Dobbins, Maebeth Scruggs and Paul Tate.
The primary department is progressing under the efficient management of Miss Sadie Whiteside, who proves herself equal to manage 39 little tots.
The efficient principal, Miss Byrd, is doing her best trying to keep the attendance up. The parents are cooperating with her in trying to do this.
From the Cliffside News, published in connection with The Forest City Courier, page 10, Jan. 8, 1925
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