Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Oak Grove News, Jan. 8, 1925

Oak Grove News

Ellenboro, R-2, Jan. 5—Mr. Laxton Moore and family moved near Mt. Pleasant last Friday. We regret to have this family leave our community but will be glad to welcome Mr. T.E. Randall and family, who will move in the house vacated by Mr. Moore next week.

Rev. E.J. Poe spent New Year’s Day at the home of Mr. J.M.K. Randall.

Misses Lenith and Eugenia Randall returned to Brevard Institute last Wednesday.

Mr. J.M.K. Randall spent Friday in Forest City, visiting his daughter, Mrs. M.G. Smart.

Mr. and Mrs. D.M. Dobbins and children spent two days of last week visiting Mrs. Dobbins’ sister, Mrs. Hensley of Hendersonville.

Misses Kate Harrill, Pearle and Eugenia Randall, Messrs. Cletus and Grady Randall spent Tuesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L.D. Wilkie Miss Belle Wilkie came home with them and spent Tuesday night.

Mr. and Mrs. C.B. Harrill, Mr. J.M.K. Randall, Misses Maude and Pauline Harrill were the dinner guests at the home of Miss Kate Harrill on Wednesday of last week

Misses Ida and Bettye Greene and Mrs. Charlie Lee visiting at the home of Mr. J.M.K. Randall Sunday afternoon.

Rev. E.J. Poe filled his regular appointment at Oak Grove Sunday morning, his subject being “Redeem the Time.”

Rev. E.A. Blanton will preach at Oak Grove church next Sunday morning at 11 o’clock.

Mr. and Mrs. Taylor Webb spent the afternoon, Sunday, with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.M.K. Randall.

Mr. Ulysses Dobbins and family spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Zora Dobbins.

Messrs. Bryan and Herbert Randall will leave Monday for Rutherford College after spending two weeks’ vacation with home folks.

Oak Grove School opened Monday morning after an almost two weeks, vacation.

Misses Kate and Leigh Harrill spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bridges.

Messrs. Herbert and Cletus Randall motored to Hendersonville last Wednesday.

From the Cliffside News, published in connection with The Forest City Courier, page 10, Jan. 8, 1925

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