The new Year was ushered in very quietly here, though some stayed up to welcome the New Year when it arrived. It is the season when many make resolutions, whether to be kept, time will tell.
Edna Mae, the 10-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R.R. Scruggs, who has been in the Shelby hospital for the past five weeks, has returned to her home and is still critically ill. We hope for her a complete and speedy recovery.
The teachers have returned and school reopened Monday with a good attendance.
The boys and girls who have been at home for the holidays have all returned to their respective schools and colleges. Miss Alice Carpenter who several weeks ago had to leave Limestone College on account of trouble with her eyes has returned.
The Fidelis class of the Baptist church, taught by Miss Willie Carpenter, enjoyed a social meeting in the Memorial building last Friday night with a large attendance. A number of games and surprises had been prepared by Miss Carpenter and the assistant teacher, Miss E.D. Crocker.
The Boy Scouts had an interesting meeting last Friday night when most of them were given most of the tests for second class Scouts.
On last Saturday evening the Intermediate B.Y.P.U. held a very interesting social meeting at the Memorial building.
The Home Department of the Baptist Sunday school will be reorganized under the leadership of Mrs. R.B. Watkins, who has worked as leader of this department of the Sunday school for several years.
The Young Men’s class, taught by Dr. Stevens, is growing steadily and last Sunday had 54 present. A few weeks ago this class numbered about 10 or 12.
Mr. and Mrs. Romeo Dedmond are the proud possessors of a fine young son who arrived one day last week.
Mr. Marion Scruggs who resides near Cliffside was taken very ill Sunday but is reported much improved as we write this.
Miss Myrtle Higgins returned Sunday from a week’s visit with an aunt, Mrs. Parker at Spartanburg, S.C.
Mrs. L.G. Garvin spent last week at Sandy Springs, S.C.
Miss Joyce Wilson spent the past 10 days here with her sister, Mrs. J.B. Freeman.
Prof. and Mrs. Clyde Erwin visited in Waco from Thursday to Sunday of last week.
Miss Minnie Carpenter returned last Saturday from St. Petersburg, Fla, where she spent the holidays.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Swofford spent the week-end with Mr. Swofford’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.M. Swofford of Hollis Mrs. Swofford will leave this week to spend some time with relatives in Florida.
Mr. and Mrs. O.A. Darby and little daughter, Anita, of Fort Lawn, S.C., visiting Dr. and Mrs. J.S. Rudisill last week.
The friends of Mrs. C.D. Hughes will be glad to know that she has recovered from her recent severe illness.
Mr. W.H. Haynes will leave this week for a visit in St. Petersburg, Florida.
Mr. R.E. Carpenter of Gastonia spent the week-end here at his home.
The members of the Haynes Band enjoyed an oyster supper at the cliffside Café last Thursday night.
Mr. and Mrs. C.F. Blanton of Gaffney visited Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. M.C. Blanton last Saturday afternoon.
Messrs. James Dedmond and Horace White visited in Avondale Sunday afternoon.
Messrs. T.B. Bland Jr., Jonas Waters, Louis Nanney and Lawrence Blanton spent Sunday afternoon in Spindale.
Miss Margaret McFalls of Gastonia spent the week-end with Misses Willie and Minnie Carpenter.
From the Cliffside News, published in connection with The Forest City Courier, page 10, Jan. 8, 1925
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