Sunday, January 5, 2025

Local Mention in Concord Tribune, Jan. 5, 1925

Local Mention

S.L. Bost is confined to his room by illness.

The condition of Clifford Hahn, who has been confined to his home by illness, is improved.

Rev. J.D. Andrews, the new pastor of Lower Stone Church, held his first service in that church yesterday.

Rev. E. Myers of Route 6, Concord, is confined to his home on account of illness.

Mrs. Mary Harvell, who has been seriously ill at the home of Mrs. Addie Corzine, is able to be out again.

J.M.W. White, who has been living near Zion Church for 26 years, moved New Year’s Day to the F.S. Pharr farm near the Jackson Training School.

Mrs. A. R. Howard is visiting her father, P.H. Thompson, in Baltimore. Mr. Thompson has been seriously ill for some time, and his condition shows no change.

According to a deed filed Saturday at the courthouse here, Bonnie Sullins has sold to D.A. McLaurin property on Victory avenue, Ward 2, for $2,500.

W.E. Philemon, former traffic officer for the county, is serving as deputy to Sheriff Caldwell this week while Cabarrus Superior Court is in session.

Miss Frances Wood of Cedartown, Ga., has returned to Kannapolis after spending the holidays with her parents. Miss Wood is a member of the faculty of Kannapolis high school.

Heath Pemberton of Albemarle was a week-end visitor in Concord, visiting his parents, Dr. and Mrs. W.D. Pemberton, at their home on North Union Street.

Clarence Ridenhour returned Sunday night to N.C. State College after spending the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R.E. Ridenhour, on Depot Street.

Mr. and Mrs. Troy Wallace of Eastfield have moved to Concord and for the present are living with Mrs. Wallace’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.F. Honeycutt, on West Corbin Street.

Joe Barrier returned to the University of North Carolina Sunday night after spending the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Barrier, on Kerr Street.

Marriage licenses has been issued by Register of Deeds Elliott to the following couples: George G. Jones and Miss Lillian L. Ledbetter, both of Kannapolis; R.A. Artz and Miss Ola Barnhardt, both of Kannapolis.

Burnet Lewis, who has been confined to his home on South Union Street for several days, is able to be on the streets again. He will leave tomorrow for Alexandria, Va., to resume his studies at the Episcopal High School.

James Smith, colored, of Kannapolis was arrested Friday night for having in his possession between two and three gallons of liquor and also for being drunk. His car was confiscated by the Kannapolis officers who made the arrest, F.A. Rodgers and J.A. Hinson.

The commissioners of the county are holding their January meeting at the courthouse today, the meeting having begun this morning. Several matters of general interest, in addition to routine questions, are expected to be presented to the board at the meeting.

Rev. W.C. Lyerly of this city and Rev. L.A. Peeler of Kannapolis exchanged pulpits last night at 7 o’clock, Mr. Peeler preaching in Trinity Reformed Church here while Mr. Lyerly was being heard at the Reformed Church in Kannapolis.

George M. Troutman and family, of this city, visited the former’s father, Monroe Troutman, of NO. 6 township, yesterday. Mr. Monroe Troutman had been confined to his room for three months with heart trouble, but his condition is reported now as somewhat improved.

Hundreds of Concord persons took advantage of the fine weather yesterday and spent most of the day riding or visiting friends and relatives in nearby cities. During the past two weeks the weather has been so disagreeable that persons ventured from home only when they had to, and the bright sunshine came as a great relief.

The civil term of the federal court for the district convened in Charlotte this morning and the term will probably continue for two or three weeks. The following men from Concord and Cabarrus are members of the jury: R.W. Burgess, J.M. Cook, Carl Cook, Mt. Pleasant; J.C. Cline, C.H. Rileman, Kannapolis, and J.L. Morris.

From page 8 of the Concord Daily Tribune, Monday, Jan. 5, 1925.

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